Silent Retreats
Silent Retreats
Like all Cistercian monasteries, we have been blessed through the presence of our guests. We are enriched by the people who worship and pray with us, who share their search and longing for God. Our existence and the grounds we live on offer a ‘Noble Silence’ which is welcoming to the many weary pilgrims who find their way to Redwoods. So many times we hear from our guests how the liturgy has spoken to them, how the starkness and beauty of our Church has opened them to God, and how the stillness of nature brings them to an inner quiet and touches their being.

This is a grace for which we praise and thank God.
The guesthouse is open for private retreats at specific times during the year. A calendar of openings is available by mid-February each year. We offer either long weekend retreats from Thursday until Sunday or full week retreats from Monday until Sunday. Guests are welcome to participate in our daily rhythm of silence, solitude, meditation, common prayer and Eucharist. Spiritual accompaniment is available upon request. The meals are vegetarian, wholesome and nurturing. The monastery is located in a very beautiful area of the Lost Coast of northern California. We are blessed with plenty of space to walk and be in nature… fields, creek, river and forested land.

You will find among the woods
Something you never found in books.
Stones and trees will teach you a lesson
you never heard from a master in school.
William of St. Thierry, Vita Sancti Bernardi, 4:23
We do have a garden where we grow some of our vegetables and fruits. Guests are welcome to work in the garden if they choose or to do other simple manual work. Each guest has a private room. A few of the rooms have an adjoining bath. The other rooms have a sink, with a shower and toilet next door to the room. The recommended donation is $70.00 per night for room and board. Linens are included. If you are interested in spending time on retreat please write for further information to:
Guest Sister
Redwoods Monastery
18104 Briceland Thorn Road
Whitethorn CA 95589