Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 19, 2023, cycle-A That we may see…That we may see as God’s sees…Do we ever pray for this?  In personal situations, in situations of community life and beyond into the larger Church and world, do we pray with the whole of our heart to see as […]

Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 14, 2021, cycle-B What is our image of God in terms of divine judgment?  If we examine this question in the Hebrew Bible, we get multiple views and images.  From a God who exacts retribution on its people who go against God’s law and ways.  Then, […]

Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 31, 2019 – cycle-C The Sunday’s gospel of the ‘Prodigal Son’ is a very rich parable and only appears in the gospel of Luke. For a reflection on this gospel one has multiple points of entry or windows to apprehend all that Jesus is trying to communicate.  Parenthetically this tells […]

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The Monk Disciple

In a conference titled “What Formation Do We Need” given to the ‘Congress of Benedictine Abbots’, D. Mauro Giuseppe Lepori emphasizes that “being a monk and being a disciple are

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Monastery Lentils

Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor.  Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve

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The Freedom of the Holy Spirit

The Lord came down, took some of the spirit that was on Moses and gave it to the seventy elders (Numbers 11:25-29).  Then two of the elders, Eldad and Medad,

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