Surrendering in Freedom

January 13, 2025

We heard at First Vespers from Fr. Kilian McDonnell that “Jesus is the icon of our salvation” (Theological Studies, June 1995, p.223)).  He adds “what was fully realized in Christ is fully realized in us” (p.223).  Jesus became the icon of our salvation at the baptism.  He descended into the waters of baptism; he descended into the dark unknown depths.  What interior posture was guiding Jesus in his descent?  He was giving himself over totally to the sacred waters of baptism.  I have quoted this from Edith Stein before: “Surrender is the greatest act of freedom”.  Was this not the interior posture of Jesus, he let everything go as he went down into the waters.  Then a silent encounter happened.  Imagine Jesus enveloped by silence in these unknown waters, free in his surrender, totally open in heart and mind.  He emerges out of the waters changed.  And out of this silent encounter in the waters of baptism this confirmation comes from his Abba, “This is my Son the beloved” (Lk 3:22).  The seeds of Jesus’ mission opened in the dark waters of baptism…he was one with his Abba and all of humanity. In some ways I think we can describe the baptism as a love encounter, Jesus experienced the unconditional love of God…this relation: Father to Son, Son to Father is now the foundation of all that Jesus is and will do.  It is tested in the temptations when after this life changing baptismal event he is led into the desert and tempted.  The temptations clarify the ministry that Jesus will embark on…they clarify his understanding of power, he will ‘lord it over’ no one.  His ministry is one of embodying God’s unconditional love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness.  And what are the first words he publicly proclaims at the beginning of his ministry: “The time has come…Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mk 1:15).  That is repent, change your life, change your way of being, expand the horizon of your heart and mind.  A new image of God has emerged through, with, and in Jesus.  The Abba he embodies is not a punishing God, it is a God who forgives, it is a God who will love to the end.

Fr. Killian McDonnell wrote in the same essay: “To those who follow him down into the waters, Jesus imparts his quiet and the rest of the Spirit, a new way of knowing” (p.225).  A new way of knowing and being this is what Jesus’ baptism opens for us.  The baptismal encounter will never leave Jesus…and it should not leave our consciousness as well.  When we are caught in a morass of negativity towards ourselves and others, we descend into the silent waters of baptismal love where we will find confirmation again, ever again of God’s unconditional love for us. 

Let us not forget that the baptism of Jesus is the birth of the new covenant, a covenant of Divine love, ‘My love for you will never leave you’ (Is 54:10).  We are stamped with this covenant, and it is now our guide and our foundation for all that we are and do.  “Observe the freedom in which Jesus went forth” writes Fr. Killian (p.220).  This is the fruit of the baptismal descent…and this ‘freedom’ coming from this baptismal love encounter is there for us as we follow him and do as he has done.  Amen.

Sr. Kathy DeVico, Abbess

Chapter Talk – Baptism of Jesus – January 12, 2025, cycle-C

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