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Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 27, 2022, cycle-C There is no Christianity without love and forgiveness!  There is no true Christian love that does not include mercy and forgiveness.  In the gospel parable of the so called ‘Prodigal Son’, Jesus reveals the nature of God as unconditional love and compassion.  And […]

Chapter Talk – 24th Sunday of the Year – September 13, 2020, cycle-A Peter asks Jesus: “If my brother or sister sins against me, how often must I forgive? As many as seven times?” We all know by heart Jesus’ answer: “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times” (Mt 18:21). What is […]

Chapter Talk – 23rd Sunday of the Year – September 6, 2020, cycle-A “If your brother or sister sins against you…” (Mt 18:15): what are we to do? This is the theme for this Sunday’s Eucharist. All three readings circle around this theme. On the surface, the response about what to do may appear simple…It […]

Chapter Talk – November 17, 2019 – 33rdSunday of the Year – cycle-C  I received from Abbot Damian of Spencer a copy of his homily that he gave last week for the funeral Mass of Br. Meinrad.  He concluded his homily with the following: “I’ll let St. Therese and Fr. Thomas Keating have the final […]

Here we are already at the Fifth Sunday of Lent.  And today’s Gospel reading for Mass is the most striking story of the woman caught in adultery.  If we stand at Jesus’ side, if we feel into how he meets this situation, a situation in which he is being put to the test by the […]

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The Power of Parables

“Without parables Jesus did not speak to them” (Mk 4:34).  Why parables? Why did Jesus use this poetic form to teach the word of God?  A parable reveals a universal

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Monastery Lentils

Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor.  Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve

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Today we commemorate the beautiful Feast of the Visitation when Mary visited Elizabeth.  Mary was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth with John the Baptist.  Scripture tells us the child in

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