Redemptive Love
We are all on a spiritual journey. We would not be living at a monastery or spending significant time at a monastery if we were not following a deeper longing
At monasteries, the week before Christmas is marked by the singing of the O Antiphons at Vespers. This tradition goes back to at least the 9th century. By the twelfth century, the O Antiphons appeared in the popular Christmas hymn we know today as O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The Antiphons were originally written in […]
Praying the O Antiphons Listen to Sr Kathy’s Reflections on the O Antiphons or read it here.
Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 23, 2018, cycle-C Who Is Coming… O Wisdom, your gentle power extends from one end of the earth to the other…it teaches us knowledge of self and of God, revealing the truth wherever deceptions appear. Your Wisdom Word emerges out of the silent depths. O come, […]
We are all on a spiritual journey. We would not be living at a monastery or spending significant time at a monastery if we were not following a deeper longing
Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor. Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve
Today we commemorate the beautiful Feast of the Visitation when Mary visited Elizabeth. Mary was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth with John the Baptist. Scripture tells us the child in