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Triduum 2023

Triduum 2023

April 7, 2023

Palm Sunday Procession:

Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, Sr. Kathy opened the Triduum with a chapter talk for our reflection:

What is the horizon of the mind and heart of Jesus?  How would you describe it? What is the horizon of the Christian faith?  These questions come into central focus on this Holy Thursday which opens the Triduum.  Foundational to Christian faith is love, the primacy of love, the love of God fully revealed in Christ. 

Read the entire chapter talk:

Good Friday:

We hold these words of Fr. Simeon in our hearts as we journey as church toward Easter Sunday:

“Today the Bridegroom of the Church and of each of our souls is taken away from our embrace. He continues to speak his love to us, but only in the language of silence and absence. We hold our breath, suspend our thoughts, and learn how to wait in the silence of adoration. Sorrowful as it is, the vivid scene of compassion that closes the gospel narrative of the Passion comes as a welcome mantle of serenity descending on the horror of Golgotha…”

Read Fr. Simeon’s Entire Homily Here:

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