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Did you see it?  For a few days – the rain stopped – the skies cleared and there she glowed –  beautiful in all her glory – the Easter Moon.                           According to the Julian Calendar, Easter is calculated as the first Sunday […]

Chapter Talk – Holy Thursday – April 6, 2023 What is the horizon of the mind and heart of Jesus?  How would you describe it?  What is the horizon of the Christian faith?  These questions come into central focus on this Holy Thursday which opens the Triduum.  Foundational to Christian faith is love, the primacy […]

Palm Sunday Procession: Holy Thursday On Holy Thursday, Sr. Kathy opened the Triduum with a chapter talk for our reflection: What is the horizon of the mind and heart of Jesus?  How would you describe it? What is the horizon of the Christian faith?  These questions come into central focus on this Holy Thursday which opens […]

The Triduum is a sacred time.  We spend Thursday, Friday and Saturday in a solemn ritual following the Lord as he undergoes his life-giving passion death and resurrection.  We begin with the Tenebrae which is a special prayer on Wednesday evening.  This service sets the tone for these days with the theme of alternating darkness […]

Truly, He is Risen! Sisters and brothers, we are being ‘summoned’; we are summoned to an ‘encounter’, to a living encounter with Jesus.   This summoning, as Fr. Casey told us on Palm Sunday, asks that we come with our whole being: ‘our minds, our hearts and our feet’.  The backdrop for our encounter with Jesus […]

In February we had conferences on John Ruusbroeck, the Flemish mystic of the late 13th / 14th century.  I was struck by a question that was posed to us during the course of the week.  I thought and felt then, that this question could provide a fruitful entrance into Jesus’ passion and resurrection, and even […]

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Redemptive Love

We are all on a spiritual journey.   We would not be living at a monastery or spending significant time at a monastery if we were not following a deeper longing

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Monastery Lentils

Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor.  Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve

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The Freedom of the Holy Spirit

The Lord came down, took some of the spirit that was on Moses and gave it to the seventy elders (Numbers 11:25-29).  Then two of the elders, Eldad and Medad,

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