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Chapter Talk – Second Sunday of Advent – December 5, 2021, cycle-C There is a ‘voice’…do you hear it?  A voice that is crying out in the center of our longing.  What is that voice saying that cries out, that yearns for our attention, that yearns for us to open our hearts even more now […]

Chapter Talk – Solemnity of St. Benedict – July 11, 2020 To honor St. Benedict, I like to focus this talk on Chapter 72 of the Rule. The title of this chapter is “Of the Good Zeal Which Monks Ought To Have”. My reason for choosing this chapter is that no scholar of the Rule […]

Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 22, 2020, cycle-A  “Seeing with the inner eye” – This pithy phrase is how the Jesuit scripture scholar, Fr. John Donahue, begins his commentary on this Sunday’s gospel reading.  One way I think we can express the focus of monastic life is to become more Christ-like […]

Chapter Talk – First Sunday of Lent – March 1, 2020, cycle-A The theme of Pope Francis’ message for Lent this year is ‘conversion’.  Right at the beginning of his ‘Lenten Message’ he states that the ‘paschal mystery is the basis of conversion.’  Indeed, the backdrop of our Lenten journey is the death and resurrection […]

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The Power of Parables

“Without parables Jesus did not speak to them” (Mk 4:34).  Why parables? Why did Jesus use this poetic form to teach the word of God?  A parable reveals a universal

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Monastery Lentils

Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor.  Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve

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Today we commemorate the beautiful Feast of the Visitation when Mary visited Elizabeth.  Mary was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth with John the Baptist.  Scripture tells us the child in

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