The Founders of Citeaux
In the larger horizon of the twelfth century, ‘reform and renewal’ was the overarching reality affecting the Church and its religious leaders (McGinn, The Growth of Mysticism, p.149). The atmosphere
Chapter Talk – October 9, 2022 – 28th Sunday – cycle-C Today’s gospel is the healing of the ten lepers (Lk 17:11-19). There are several themes that one can draw out of this gospel. One being ‘thanksgiving’ and how gratitude keeps the heart wide open as it acknowledges the extravagant gifts of God upon us, […]
Chapter Talk – 27th Sunday of the Year – October 2, 2022, cycle-C Right now, let us ask Jesus, like the apostles: “Increase our faith”. To ask something, to desire something beyond our ego demands, what would this be like? To desire and thus to ask from the depths, ‘Out of the depths I cry […]
Chapter Talk – 19th Sunday of the Year – August 7, 2022, cycle-C Stay awake… for what? For whom? Be aware…vigilant…have your lamps lit…why? Fears, anxieties, confusion, uncertainty…. silence. Imagine an encounter: I and Christ…or Christ and I: fears, anxieties, confusion, uncertainty: in the living encounter of faith what happens to these ‘pulls’ of the […]
Chapter Talk – 19th Sunday of the Year – August 9, 2020, cycle-A Once again for this Sunday’s Eucharist we have very rich readings. In the gospel (Mt 14:22-33), Jesus leaves his disciples after the feeding of the multitudes and goes off to pray. The disciples, meanwhile, get in the boat and head for the […]
Chapter Talk – 24thSunday – September 15, 2019, cycle-C In our retreat with Fr. Michael Dodds, OP, our second conference was on ‘the hiddenness of God’. This hiddenness of God, the God who is unknowable leads, Fr. Michael said, to some people denying the very existence of God. What I was struck by in this […]
The gospel reading of this Sunday from the gospel of Mark (10:46-52) is the story of the encounter between Bartimaeus and Jesus: it is an encounter of faith. Let’s look at the elements of this utterly simple and amazing encounter. Bartimaeus is along the roadside begging. On hearing that Jesus was passing by “he began to cry out […]
In the larger horizon of the twelfth century, ‘reform and renewal’ was the overarching reality affecting the Church and its religious leaders (McGinn, The Growth of Mysticism, p.149). The atmosphere
Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor. Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve
This season of longing and waiting is coming to an end with the revelation of Christ in our midst. Christ comes in all humanity so that we are not frightened