Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Easter – April 30th, 2023, cycle-A “…They hear his voice”; “…They recognize his voice”…and they follow.  For the Fourth Sunday of Easter the gospel reading is from St. John’s gospel on the theme of the ‘Good Shepherd’ (Jn 10:1-10).  In the selection for this Sunday there is emphasis on […]

Chapter talk – 4th Sunday of Easter – May 8, 2022, cycle-C “Jesus said: ‘My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they shall follow me’” (Jn 10:27).  And then this later passage from John’s gospel: “I shall not call you servants any more….but friends” (Jn 15:15). We are friends because we are known […]

Always on the fourth Sunday of Easter we have the theme of shepherd: the Risen One who embodies the qualities of shepherd.  The gospel readings for each cycle A, B, and C are taken from chapter 10 of St. John’s gospel.  For us 21st century persons we don’t readily constellate towards the image of ‘shepherd’.  […]

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